Research Article
Impact of Knee Surgery on Growth in Adolescents: A Review of Epiphyseal Plate Considerations
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1 St. Johnsbury Academy Jeju; Seogwipo 63644, Korea2 Gyeonggi Suwon International School; Suwon 16706, Korea3 St. John's High School; Shrewsbury 10545, USA; * Corresponding Author
International Journal of Clinical Medicine and Bioengineering, 3(4), 2023, 1-7,
Published: 31 October 2024
OPEN ACCESS 166 Views 135 Downloads
It is necessary to apply methodologies for knee surgery and rehabilitation of adolescents so as not to influence their growth and development after surgery. As the rate of knee injury among adolescents in developed countries increases, it is important to minimize the risk to the epiphyseal plate for continuous growth and development. In this article, techniques are reviewed to understand how to avoid damage to the epiphyseal plate and help the adolescent patient return to normal life in the shortest time without complications. Excellent techniques are used with widely used rehabilitation methods but long-term and longitudinal studies are still needed to observe the growth and development after knee surgery. Enough number of sample cases also needs to be secured to generalize the results, while the biological mechanisms causing growth disturbances after knee surgery must be verified. It is still necessary to conduct longitudinal studies to observe the growth and development after knee surgery. The biological mechanisms causing growth disturbances after knee surgery also need to be studied. Based on the results, medical practices for surgery and rehabilitation in adolescents can be standardized to improve the quality of treatment after knee surgery of adolescents.
Park, J. H., Yoo, D., & Nam, D. (2023). Impact of Knee Surgery on Growth in Adolescents: A Review of Epiphyseal Plate Considerations. International Journal of Clinical Medicine and Bioengineering, 3(4), 1-7.
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